Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Best Husband in the World

I have had a very hard week or so with Austin. Temper tantrums don't even begin to describe the episodes he has been having EVERY single time we go out....and even when we are home. I think I told my mom they were more like "meltdown, phychotic episodes." Seriously, I think his voice changes and there is a screeching demon inside of him! I might even have hearing damage from his screaming this morning in the parking lot of the PX. I really did think that the MPs were going to show up at any given moment and take me away because I MUST have beat the child to make him scream like that. Little does anyone know, that all it was over was a cup of chocolate milk.....figures, right?

So, anyway, we get home and I put him to bed after lunch. I get done with his book, am just about to do the prayers he asked for (guess he figured maybe it would help him in the long run) when the doorbell buzzed....yes, our front door has a buzzer...scares me to death everytime! Anyway, I go to see who it is and there's this lady with some GORGEOUS flowers. They were actually for me from the GREATEST husband in the world. He knew how hard it has been lately and wanted to perk me up a bit. Ok, everyone...collective "AWWWWWW!"

Brian, I love you so much....thanks for the little things you do. We can't wait for you to come home and for all of us to be a family again!!! Miss you Honey!

1 comment:

yaya said...

Wow! He is the best in the world, isn't he? Must have had a good upbringing!!! smile

p.s. You're not a bad wife (or mother) either, Kerum!