3 Months...a quarter of a year old! I can't believe how fast time is going and how big Aiden is getting! Boy, you need to slow down!
Aiden, you are starting to show your personality a bit more nowadays. Here's what you are up to lately! *You are still nursing every 2-3 hours during the day, but are sleeping really long stretches at night.
*The last few days you have slept at least 7 hours in a row at night, which makes Mommy very happy.
*You are grabbing for things now.
*You smile a lot when someone talks to you. Your whole face lights up and sometimes you just can't help but let out a little squeal of delight.
*You like the swing and the rocking chair, but prefer to be held.
*You still like to be swaddled...all the time. You are our snugglie baby and like to be warm and cozy. You have a favorite blanket now to be swaddled in and it just happens to be the same blanket that both your brothers liked as well.
*You wear 3-6 month clothes right now, but will need 6-9 month clothes before the winter is over!
1 comment:
He looks JUST like Brian in that last picture! He is growing so fast. Can he give my Emmy a rolling tutorial?
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