Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wings Over Wayne Air Show...a month ago!

So, basically a month ago, I heard of an airshow that was supposed to be on Saturday, but storms were predicted, so I didn't think it would be a good time to go. Then, I talked to my sister-in-law, Paula, and she said that they were going to it on Sunday. I had no idea it was 2 days long, so we planned on going on Sunday since the weather was supposed to be gorgeous.
Let's just say that Colten is in a MAJOR airplane kick right now! He has been in heaven since we moved here because we see a LOT of Air Force planes flying overhead. So, I knew this would be right up his alley.


Austin was really happy to see the acrobatic planes. I think that was his favorite part.

The Thunderbirds were there and we stayed to see them.


It was pretty cool.



But not as cool as seeing my boys having fun.


It was pretty hot there, directly under the sun. Austin decided to find shade wherever he could.

I have to say that if I knew how hard it would have been to actually GET to the air show from my house, I probably wouldn't have gone. It was really that bad! I'm glad I didn't know...we had a blast and the kids still talk about it.

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