Saturday, October 31, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

Our family tradition is to carve our pumpkins the night before Halloween. Austin has been begging to carve them since we picked them up from the pumpkin patch.
Last night, he finally got to help! We ate dinner, then laid out the newspaper, carving tools and pumpkins. We had 3 pumpkins, but decided to only carve 2. I think Austin was fine with that since the novelty had worn off by the second one. :-)
Austin helped Daddy pull the top was pretty hard to get off of there!

He loved seeing the seeds come out...he has also been begging for more pumpkin seeds lately. He was really excited to eat the roasted seeds later that night before bed.

A little grossed least he is using his hand to dig it all out. He used to be really particular and only use a spoon or the scoop that came with the kit.

Even Colten got to try his hand at it! He didn't seemed grossed out by it at all...


In fact, I think he liked it a little too's almost as if he's telling Brian, "Don't even THINK about taking this away from me!"

The finished product.

All lit up and ready for Halloween!

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