Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pumpkin Patch...Take One

We went on a quick trip to Missouri one weekend. The kids were great and we decided to go to the Pumpkin Patch on our last day there. I don't think we were quite prepared for the cost that goes into some of the Pumpkin Patches there! The pumpkin patch that my family used to go to when I was a kid was pretty much free. We wanted to try a new place, but should have just gone to the same place that we always have!

Despite the cost ($4 to play on the playground!!!), we had fun. It got a little cold and we wanted to see if the other pumpkin patch that was nearby was a little better with prices, so I didn't get any pictures of the kids with pumpkins. I know, weird that we were surrounded by pumpkins and they aren't in ANY pictures! By the way, the second place we went to was even MORE had to pay to even get IN to the place!
Austin climbing the "rock wall."
Our silly ghost.
Petting the sheep.
Colten and was pretty cold and I didn't even bring a jacket!

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