Monday, March 29, 2010

Warm Up This Week

More warm weather is forcasted for this week! I have a feeling that we won't need the jackets that we wore on this day at the park with Aunt Amanda!

Austin is starting to go down the fireman pole at the playground and is so proud!
He was trying to climb back up, but couldn't quite get it.
After Aunt Amanda went down the slide with Colten, Daddy figured he would as well. He kept saying that he doesn't fit well in this slide, but he did pretty well and Colten thought it was a blast, so I'd say he fit just right!
Then, Austin decided to go down the slide a few times, but got sillier each time. I love this picture with him smiling and Brian and Colten watching him at the bottom. We really do have a blast at the park!
I think we'll probably have a few days where we leave the back door open. I love those days. The boys have a blast all day long going in and out as they please and they go to bed so easily at night! Even the dogs love the door being open and are exhausted by the end of the day! Plus, I can just sit out on the chairs and drink my ice tea and not worry about the house being destroyed as much as normal.

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