Monday, November 15, 2010

Middle Son

Today I am thankful for our adorable middle son, Colten. At not quite two years old, he is in a stage that either has you pulling your hair out or laughing at the latest stunt he has done.

This kid is the most rough and rumble that a boy can be. He has been know to headbutt his older brother and bring him to tears while Colten just laughs. He has no clue that it hurts and just thinks it's another way to wrestle.

He just absolutely loves his brothers though. It melts my heart when he runs to hug Austin after school or when he kisses Aiden on the head. He loves to kiss and hug and will stop whatever he is doing sometimes to come over and show his love for you.

Today, we went to Wal-Mart and he was so good. He tried on a coat since he outgrew last years size and you'd have thought it was a toy the way he was smiling. As we passed a display of hats and mittens, he saw a Lightening McQueen hat. I showed him the Buzz hat, but there was something about the McQueen hat that caught his attention. I think you already know that Mommy couldn't resist and we came home with that hat. :-). He needed it anyway since it definitely covers his ears. If he likes it enough to wear it when it's cold, then that's enough for me!

So, today I am thankful for Colten and the time I get to spend at home with him (and Aiden, of course). He brings so much joy and laughter to this family and we thank God everyday for Colten Tyler.

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