Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Daddy's Back - Day 24

Today I am thankful for Brian getting back to Little Rock. He had to go back up to NWA for a root canal and then stayed the night so he could get his homework done and not have to worry about it over Thanksgiving.

While he was gone, I got to deal with some kind of sinus stuff and sore throat, 2 kids stuck in a house, and nighttime wakings which weren't really wakings to me since I was already awake. I just don't sleep as well when he's not home (yes, that made for some very tough nights sometimes when he was deployed). It's so nice that he's usually home to help with everything...I know what it's like on the other side and I am even more thankful for his presence than I think I would be if we hadn't gone through all the seperations.

He got back right before lunch today. The surprise was that we got our list of available places to move to after he graduates in May. So, we've been looking into all of our options (which was shortened by his assignment officer because Brian will be a new Major when we move). We probably won't know where we'll go until sometime next year, but the goal is to have RFOs (Request For Orders) by January 1. We'll see if that happens...the military moves pretty slowly, so I'm not going to hold my breath.

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